When My Father Died…

When my father died,
I didn’t know how to grieve.
Only yearning and yearning,
As a little child,
Unable to articulate,
the reason I was left behind.

-Sammie Oh


There lived a man with receding hair,

He’d say, “I feel the chills in the air!”

So though it felt weird,

He grew out his beard,

And said, “At least my face isn’t bare!”

-Sammie Oh

Saturday Special: A Haiku

His heart chooses a rhythm

It beats much too fast

She is making her way here

Love as You Do

My dear,
These roses are red
And violets so blue.
Why won’t you love me
As I have loved you?

Oh dear,
Though your roses are red
And violets so blue,
These stems are too thorny
And the blossoms too few.

Sammie Oh

Saturday Special

On my way to Sam’s Club I got a text. This text was a challenge to stop, take a breath, look at the September sky, and write a poem or song about “that light that turns the green trees yellow.” And what else could I do but accept the request? So I composed a short rhyme whilst shopping:

Such summer lights, like rays of gold
Bring growth to plants as leaves unfold
And clear skies strung with gray-white puffs
Are reservoirs of water troughs.

Yet come a couple months or two,
Each flower trades her vibrant hue
For fruits and grains the soil has bred
And trees of orange, gold,and red

-Sammie Oh